“What is the difference between mobile app and mobile version of the website?”-a common question that many potential clients ask. As this question demands fast and consistent answer, we are going to provide you with it immediately.


Usually it might mean 2 options:

1.Separate pages, which actually are duplicates of the website pages, adapted for small size screens.

  1. Purchased website, during a process of recast the makeup becomes more t.n. adaptive (meaning machine correction of display format, due to the screen proportions)


They are like a special storage, which users upload with help of special markets on their mobile device.Unlike websites, they have a program status, as a result they are developed for certain OS.


  1. User friendly

In order to use advantages of application, you would need to download and install it. In order to use a website you simply need to go via the link.

  1. Cross-platform

Without depending on OS and its version, mobile version of the website is available for all modern devices

  1. Low cost promotion

The price for any user is determined by the amount of times a website version is accessed. It is clear that the bigger an amount of visits is, the bigger a price for attracting users is. In order to assure that the website is going to be accessed by users, you would need to set a certain price for one click made on advertising, with its help you can get visitors immediately. The same situation is with an application. The difference is that in case of redirection to the application market, the user isn’t always going to install it.That’s why the price for a click is lower than the price for installation.

  1. The price

Usually the price for mobile version development is lower, in comparison with the money, you would need to pay for mobile application development

  1. Prompt update

In regards to the fact that mobile applications are downloaded in “markets”, they (and their updates) go through adjustments made by owners. The same time an updated website is available almost immediately.



To adjust the website for mobile devices and to size it for a small screen – are not the same things.Of course all the elements of control supposed to be comfortable to press with fingers.Also you would need to take into consideration that the screens might differ from each other by size and pixel density. Moreover, screens with such characteristics might have high definition, but to be compact and comfortably fit in your hand. So the screens of smartphones, might have better definition, than laptops, for instance, but to have less size.

Furthermore, mobile platforms have different tools helping not to miss small buttons.Still, these tools work in a different way depending on the OS and device fratures.It means that you might not have a clue how your mobile website version looks on numerous devices.

You may even see that interface is well-worked when speaking about navigation. Any platform usually has its own logics of transition between desktops of the devices. Naturally, that the user of this or that OS gets used to a certain algorithm of actions. Nevertheless, navigation in the websites is different: each may be different on any of them, As a result the user might search familiar buttons, feeling discomfort.

  1. Active interaction with a user

First of all, an application differs from mobile website version by the option to send push-notifications.With the website users find out that something new and worthy appeared on the website only when they decide to visit it. The same time when speaking about mobile application you can send notifications provoking to open it. Moreover, when the user performs an  action which demands a certain reaction, you can be sure, he’ll receive local notification in the same way as push. Also, an option of Feedback can be added to the list of its advantages.

  1. Full usage of  the device abilities

Modern devices (smartphones, tablets) obtain numerous information about their owners. That’s why the usage of this data in order to improve the service level is nearly the main reason of unprecedented mobile apps profit. With its help it’s possible to get directions, perform bank operations, order food, communicate with friends, get to know weather forecast and so on.

  1. Online mode

Today it is easy to connect your device to Internet. Though, it’s quality, for now, can’t compete with Internet connection at work or at home. That’s why an offline work option looks very convenient or even crucial for the application.

  1. Personalization

Almost every application has an option to save user’s data and to change interface depending on his or her taste. If the user has input certain data, next time there would be no need to input it again..


Certainly, existence of mobile website version is many times better than its absence. So if you need minimum functionality and a temporary decision for cooperation with users, than you’ve made a right choise. But if you have a task to assure high quality and long term contact with users, to attract new ones and to receive loyalty of the present, than development of mobile application-is the only right choice.