Many entrepreneurs and startups decide to create their own IT department without even thinking that we live in an era of remote collaboration. Yes, a team of outsourcers will never replace personal interaction with employees but such freelance services are the most optimal for the digital product’s implementation in many situations. In our new article, you will learn why you should delegate some tasks to remote developers and what advantages this approach has compared to a regular team.

Features of the employees search and selection

When forming a standard IT department, management has to think about many questions. Which place is best for you? How much money will it take to organize a new workplace? Who will interview candidates and how long will it take? Of course, this list is not complete but you probably get the point. Putting together an effective and cohesive office team is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

On the other hand, if you decide to use remote services, you will have two options: to find employees on specialized sites on your own or contact an outsourcing agency that will take over the developers’ selection. Choosing freelancers yourself, you need to base your picks on their portfolio for the most part. This approach will allow you to evaluate their experience as best you can before entrusting them with a difficult project.

Benefits of working with remote developers

  • if you apply to an outsourcing agency, your project is delegated to an experienced team that has already demonstrated decent results;
  • when it comes to individual freelancers, they can offer a favorable price for the implementation of many tasks since the competition in this service market continues to grow;
  • the services of one remote employee will cost you much less than a full-time specialist since you will not need to spend money on the equipment purchases, insurance payments, additional rent, and much more;
  • finding full-time developers will take you much more time and money than recruiting freelancers, and you will have to consider many more factors in order to create a cohesive team;
  • in most cases, remote professionals do not interact with each other personally, so it is easier for them to focus on the job and avoid emotional discussions.

How do you build communication with a freelance team?

It can be quite difficult to establish communication with a whole team of freelancers but no one forbids you to contact an outsourcing agency. The manager will study your case, appoint an executive team and act as a link between you and remote specialists. This approach will allow you to spend less time overseeing the development but it has a completely logical disadvantage.

Controlling the creation of a digital product through a manager, you do not understand who exactly is working on your project and how motivated they are to provide you with a quality result. Besides that, some agencies hire less skilled developers for certain tasks than the employees who were originally supposed to do these things. As a result, customers pay for a first-class result, but in fact, they can get a mediocre product that will require improvements.

Also remember that when selecting employees for the office, you must consider not only their professional skills but also their human qualities. These people will have to spend a lot of time together, and conflict situations may arise between them. On the other hand, remote collaboration, mitigates this factor, as most developers work in a comfortable and familiar environment – at their homes.


Planning the development of a digital product, you should not forget about outsourcing services. While this approach to collaboration is not some panacea, it definitely has its strengths, especially if you manage to find an experienced remote team.

Our company has faced outsourcing projects numerous times and brought each of them to a successful release. Contact our manager to agree on the tasks you are interested in, and he/she will inform you when the specialists can start developing.