If we will say, that at least once a month, almost every one, visits a “store” searching for new and useful apps, it is nothingbut true. But, to be an average user who downloads  them – is not too ambitious. It’s many times better to be a user, who knows the secrets of “applications market”.

For instance, Google Play.


The majority of entertaining applications are unavailable in the country you live, often enough. We do not need to searchan example too long – a famous game Pokemon Go, which is being played worldwide, but unavailable for downloading in Ukraine and Russia. Still there is a decision for such issue. It envisages connection to american VPN. Meanwhile GooglePlay is literally cheated by you (no, it’s legal), as it will consider, that you are located in the United States while visiting the“store”. By the way, there are billions of VPN services, which might be searched via the Internet (paid and free of course)and instructions for their use.


There is a tab called “my games and apps” in the Google “market”. It obtains an option to see all the applications you have installed. Also, with its help you may see pre-installed by developer apps and to follow up the updates. And of course, the ability to update all the applications you have, is undoubtedly useful.


Probably, you have to give a smartphone to your child often enough. That’s why dreads that your kid will download an app not corresponding to his age or a paid app are very reasonable. It’s really easy to handle: to go to the settings tab in Google Play and activate there a “parental advisory” option. For sure, after that a “store” will offer you to create a password. And than you would be offered to set an age limit for downloading apps.


A refund for the application bought in Google Play is possible during two months from the purchase date. This period oftime, usually, is enough to make acquaintance with the application and to determine the level of its necessity for the user. In order to make a “reverse” you would need to make only one click on the page of this app in the “store”.


A familiy subscription or family library in Google Play is going to work pretty soon. Thanks to this, you can share the purchased content (applications, games, films, books and so on) with 6 family members free of charge.Earlier this option was avaliable only regarding Google Play Music, but in the Kindness Corporation the decision was made, more likely, to extend its distribution