
The most popular cash-service LetyShops has set itself an ambitious goal to enter the market of mobile solutions in 2017. The team of “Lampa Studio” was involved as experts in the field of mobile at the design stage of the application. In the course of joint development of the application concepts (including its interaction with the server via API), the task was set to organize the most comfortable transition to the mobile interface for 5 million users of the service.

A special emphasis was put on using the latest design approaches for maximum performance and scalability of the application. Among other things, the project for both platforms was decided to use the REALM database and the MVP design pattern.

Interesting moments in the development also became the implementation of dynamic forms for the withdrawal of funds through various payment systems, displaying personalized cacheback rates, working with the user profile, working offline, as well as using the capabilities of rxjava and Google Firebase.

As a result, we implemented a fast, convenient and bright application Letyshops, which in just the first 3 months downloaded over 150,000 users.

The most popular cash-service LetyShops has set itself an ambitious goal to enter the market of mobile solutions in 2017. The team of “Lampa Studio” was involved as experts in the field of mobile at the design stage of the application. In the course of joint development of the application concepts (including its interaction with the server via API), the task was set to organize the most comfortable transition to the mobile interface for 5 million users of the service.

A special emphasis was put on using the latest design approaches for maximum performance and scalability of the application. Among other things, the project for both platforms was decided to use the REALM database and the MVP design pattern.

Interesting moments in the development also became the implementation of dynamic forms for the withdrawal of funds through various payment systems, displaying personalized cacheback rates, working with the user profile, working offline, as well as using the capabilities of rxjava and Google Firebase.

As a result, we implemented a fast, convenient and bright application Letyshops, which in just the first 3 months downloaded over 150,000 users.

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