Creating WEB-sites for business usually takes place according to the following algorithm (subject to minor changes depending on the particular situation):
- Technical task. You express your wishes and formulate a problem, which is compiled on the basis of detailed TOR. Then our specialists proceed to analyze your requirements and study the resources of competitors (highlighting their advantages and disadvantages).
- Prototyping. This step allows you to create a more detailed vision of the product for the customer and developers, a visualization of the future of the resource, which allows advance allows a clear picture of its architecture and functionality.
- Design development. Visual impression – one of the most important. Therefore, we develop the design, taking into account your requirements (for example, sometimes you need to create a design in the style of a particular company) and the preferences of the target audience. At this stage the selected colors to create a design application.
- Programming. If there is a need to introduce any complicated structures (for example – a system of payment orders for financial transactions), it takes a programmer.
- Deploy to hosting. The resource is transferred to the selected customer hosting, it is assigned a domain name, then the site is transferred to the customer.
If you are interested in creation of websites – will be glad to cooperate!